Saturday, May 19, 2012

Let the Arting Begin...

It was at the beginning of the month that I moved into my apartment: the first time I have ever had my own space completely to myself, and I must say it is pretty fantastic. I went from living in a student house shared with 8 other kids, all 18 and all living on their own for the first time. I was in a small basement room which made it very difficult to paint, let alone live a sane life. I have only been in my new place for 3 weeks and I have noticed a definite change in my quality of life for the better.

It is wonderful to have space to do art again, and half of my living room is permanently set up as an art nook and I am well on my way to updating my portfolio.

The painting I am working on in the photo is actually a test piece for something quite exciting. Next weekend I will be part of a variety show at a local theatre here in Hamilton, that has many acts including music pieces and arial silks routines to the theme of water. During the whole performance, which will be about an hour and a half long, I will be on the stage painting live from start to finish. Completely nerve-wracking but very thrilling. It will be the first time I have ever done anything like this and I am hopeful it will grant me the attention of the people of Hamilton in the art scene to help me break into it more. And who knows, maybe I will even be able to sell the painting and make a little money!

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